ALMA Science Archive


The ALMA Science Archive is accessible from the ALMA Science Archive Query page.  The query page allows users to search for data based on multiple criteria, including target name, position, frequency, spectral resolution, and project.  Additional information on the ALMA Science Archive is available from the information page at ESO.



UK ARC Node Archive


The UK ARC Node is currently in the process of developing an archive for enhanced user-created products.  This can be used by ALMA astronomers (particularly UK astronomers) to distribute their data to the astronomical community.  More information will be available as the archive is put online.



On-Demand Data Processing


The UK ARC Node is available to reprocess data from the ALMA archive on-demand for users who want to work with the archival data but who may not have the expertise to reprocess it.  These data products can be created to meet users' specific science needs.  The UK ARC Node can also provide assistance to people who want guidance on reprocessing archival data.


As examples of the types of data products that we can produce, we show examples of reprocessed data for NGC 253 and CW Leo (also known as IRC +10216) below.  These data are also available for download.  Please contact us if you would like us to reprocess data for you or help you with reprocessing archival data.